Stardrive 2 build
Stardrive 2 build

stardrive 2 build

My ship design choices still mattered, but most battles ended up turning into scrums as capital ships twisted and turned at close range, which made them far less tactically interesting than the ship designs imply. The AI seems to beeline for your ships almost regardless of what weapons it has access to. The real-time combat in which all these plans come to fruition, however, is slightly less rewarding. Are you going to be fighting the Draylok, who have a lot of long-range missile technologies but seem to be lagging when it comes to close-range weaponry? Or are you more like to end up at war with the Kulrathi, who have big ships with lots of armor, but whose focus on energy weapons requires massive reactors and power capacitors? You'd want a different fleet for each fight, and guessing at the right balance is the most interesting challenge StarDrive 2 offers. That means that your rivals can have very different threat profiles that you need to take into account as you build your ships.

stardrive 2 build

Once you've researched one technology from a trio, the other two are closed off to you, except through trade or conquest. That's because StarDrive 2 cleverly offers you mutually exclusive research opportunities in groups of three. It's not just a case of slapping the latest and greatest technology onto the old templates (though you can easily exchange outmoded equipment if you need to). It's an enjoyable exercise in trade-offs and forecasting when I'm sitting there in the ship designer, I'm thinking about how the carrier I'm building is going to support the battleship I just designed, and how their protection from long-range missiles will rely on an electronic warfare cruiser I'm planning to design next. There are a lot of different things to take into account when designing your fleet: the power draw of your weapons and engines, the weight of your armor and equipment, the output of your engines, and the overall maneuverability of your ships. At its very best, StarDrive is a space admiralty simulator.

Stardrive 2 build